Serving vulnerable and homeless Young People through supported accommodation and specialist projects, to promote independence and end homelessness, since 1981.
With Gratitude: A Final Note from Ann Tighe
After 8 years as CEO of CAYSH and 43 years working in the care sector I have decided to retire. I just wanted to thank all the staff, council, charity and business colleagues for making my time at CAYSH both exciting and rewarding. Thank you for your personal support and more importantly your support for CAYSH, a fantastic charity and community interest company that provides hope for the young homeless and vulnerable adults within our communities. I hope I’ve made a positive contribution to change and a small difference to people’s lives.
I am delighted to announce that Chris Deacon has taken over as CEO. He comes with 15 years’ experience in homelessness, having led services in hostels, supported housing, prevention, property management and employability. Chris is passionate about ending homelessness and providing services that have a timely and lasting impact on people’s lives. We are extremely lucky to have found him!
Finally thank you to my Board of Trustees and Directors for the support they have given me and their commitment to CAYSH. I wish all of you well and CAYSH continued success in the future.

Stats & Facts
Of service-users move on positively.
Of service-users in our engagement programs reported an invrease in confidence and work opportunities.
Of service-users who accessed mental health support said their mental well-being improved.